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Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm a Hater

It's true! You know what it is that I hate? (Forwards and "Make me a list of _____" requests)

Now, don't feel bad if you're one of the many people who send me forwards and/or list-making requests. I don't hate YOU, just please, please don't be sad if I don't make the list or send that chain forward to 10 people who are _____ and also back to you to show you that I care and/or support the troops and/or am religious.

Because I do care, I do support the troops, and I am religious!

Also, sometimes, when I sigh and open the forward, I am pleasantly surprised by stories like this little gem from my college advisor/friend, Leigh:

You'll have to imagine the note sent home with the little darling that drew this, but the parent's reply follows the picture.

Dear Mrs Jones:
I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told Sarah how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had. Then, I found one more in the back room, and several people were fighting over who would get it. Sarah's picture does NOT show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot. From now on, I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in.

Mrs. Smith

Final thought: With stuff like this it doesn't even MATTER if it's real or not. It's just too funny to pass up! So, keep sending me forwards and list requests! I'll keep on hating, just not quite every time.


Anonymous said...

I've seen that before and it ALWAYS makes me smile LOL! I hate those forwards too and even though I sit and read them all (sssh...don't tell the gals in my group!) I refuse to forward them unless my life just absolutely depends on my doing so or if I'm going to have bad luck for the next 15 years. You know, serious stuff.

Anonymous said...

I've seen that before and it ALWAYS makes me smile LOL! I hate those forwards too and even though I sit and read them all (sssh...don't tell the gals in my group!) I refuse to forward them unless my life just absolutely depends on my doing so or if I'm going to have bad luck for the next 15 years. You know, serious stuff.

Mammatalk said...

I am the same way about forwards!
Love the picture. Now that was a laugh! When I taught third grade, a student drew a picture from the book The Magic Finger. Well, the kid was giving the "finger' in the pic. Too funny!

Thanks for visiting me on my big bloggy, day!

vanilla said...

I first rec'd this unaccompanied by a 'letter of explanation' but rather with a disclaimer that it HAD to have been done by an adult. Ha! I taught elementary school for a lot of years.

I read the stuff, too. But it has to be outstanding stuff to get me to forward it, and then only to a select one or two, not to my address book.

Secondary Roads said...

I too care. I support our troops. And I love Jesus. When I read, "send this to X people in the next X minutes . . ." It's a guaranteed delete. And online petitions are a total waste of time. Sure, a lot of those are stories are sweet.

If I really like a story, I delete the directions to forward to others before I send it on to a select few.

IdaR said...

I don't mind the forwards myself. It makes me feel good that someone out there thinks of me. :) But, like Secondary Roads, if and when I pass them on, I delete the 'instructions'. But there are some jokes and stories and pictures that are just TOO good to not pass on.

Shanda said...

That is hilarious!!

I appreciate some forwards. I will really be feeling them and enjoying the message and then, BAM! Good feelings gone with phrases such as, "You must forward this to 10 people in the next 9 minutes to receive a blessing..." IF I choose to forward something on; I ALWAYS delete that part off. Not a fan of the "conditional blessings..."

Michelle said...

That email makes me laugh every time I see it! From the mouths of babes...

Ashley said...

Aaaah! This is too good. I hope it is a true story. Too funny!

Unknown said...

That is way too funny, real or not. I hate the forwards too! My Grandma actually sends so many "prayer" ones that I stopped opening her mail.

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