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Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm back!

I have decided that I really do miss writing my blogs. It's a nice outlet, after all. (Plus I've had a few emails from family and friends that were quite encouraging. Thanks!)

Today, it doesn't matter what else is happening in my world. There's only one noteworthy item as far as I'm concerned. I recently found out that my nephew Ryan is walking, and I am so excited and proud of him that it's all I can talk about.

Ryan is 9. Not 9 months, 9 years. He, my son, and my brother were all born the same year within a few months of each other. It's been an interesting adventure watching the 3 boys go their 3 separate ways, but Ryan's adventure has always been a challenging one. Challenging for him, for his parents, for all of us, really.

You can see video of him walking - unaided - something we were never sure he would accomplish - at my sister-in-law's blog. Her and her husband's dedication and care have been nothing short of inspirational, and as I said earlier, I am amazingly proud of my little nephew. He looks so excited in this video, too. He's just rarin' to go.

Check him out at



Joy said...

That was really sweet what you wrote about Ryan. It shows that Ryan's life doesn't just affect our immediate family but all those, like you, who've been there since the beginning. Plus, you guys have been there for most of his life except the last couple of years we've been away. I will continue to track his progress so you can share in the joy! By the way, it was interesting that you had a son, a brother, and a nephew all in the same year! Wow! I am glad you're back and I look forward to reading more blogs! Love, Joy

Clara said...

I'm glad you're back. I've missed your posts.

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